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Anti-Aging Regenerative and
Functional MedicineOur mission is to help you live healthily, age gracefully and maximize your body’s performance. We treat the entire body organism by optimizing nutritional, organic and hormonal components. Miami Anti-Aging Institute provides individualized treatment developed by a specialist in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. Our attitude is friendly, relaxed and personal. Our goal is to improve and maintain your energy levels through the diagnosis, treatment and management of disease. We also use individualized pharmaceutical grade supplements that are chosen specifically for each patient to replace nutrients lost due to age, strenuous exercise, disease, medications and environmental toxins. We treat those that wish to remain strong and vital for a lifetime. We assist athletes who demand the maximum performance from their body.Let’s Get To Know You
Our services begin with a complete medical and lifestyle interview. We take into account all aspects of your health and well-being. Based on the Doctor’ findings, he orders a series of cutting edge laboratory work that would help him attending to your individual nutritional &/or hormonal needs.IMPROVE PERFORMANCE
If you're looking to boost your athletic performance, our natural sports performance treatment will have you at the top of your game.
Can't sleep? Not getting enough rest can be frustrating. Our sleep treatments can help you restore healthy sleep patterns so you start getting quality rest again.
Low energy can be a result of adrenal fatigue and other hormone-related issues. Our custom IV therapy and hormone therapy helps restore your natural energy levels.
Sometimes weight loss is not as simple as eating less and exercising. Our practice can help you drop those stubborn pounds.
Our Bio Identical Hormone Therapy provides natural relief for those suffering from Andropause and Menopause.
As we age, our sex drive can sometimes be impacted. We help our clients boost libido and sexual performance, naturally.
What Our Patients Says
- My name is Mirza M Idrizovic. I am living in Nashua, NH. During the most recent five to six years I was experiencing high pain in my both knees. A couple physicians, including my PCP, I have consulted, suggested undertaking both knee replacements as best solutions.I choose to explore a different avenue and ask for the second opinion to resolve my knee problem w/o using the last resort: knee replacement. I did some research and learned about the name of Dr Hatem Zayed, reputable physician working in Miami, Florida, who successfully helped many patients with the same problem I have, applying new methods of treating these problem.I was fortunate enough to contact Dr Zayed (through my relative from NYC who knew much more about Dr Zayed’s achievements), who was kind enough to explain to me all benefits and risks of such procedure, if one decides to so.On April 2015 I accepted to be treated, first left knee, then one year later in April 2016 my right knee. After a very short time after procedure that was performed by Dr Zayed and his team, I was started to feel unbelievable improvement in my mobility practically almost without any pain, with 95 % of the time on one knee and approximately 75% on another knee. I could not believe that this may happened to me. Thanks to Dr Zayed’s brilliantly performed procedure on both knees. I think that Dr Zayed’s approach to patients is extraordinary professional, kind and friendly. I really have not enough words to thank him for his beautifully done job with my both knees, that enable me to be more mobile and w/o pain. I will remain thankful to Dr Zayed to the rest of my life.Mirza I.
For the last 6 months, Dr. Zayed has been treating me with nutritional supplements & vitamins, all hormone free. Under his care I recently qualified for the Boston Marathon. I experienced less muscle fatigue & faster recovery after my training runs, allowing me to train harder to obtain my running goals. Thank you, Dr. Z!
Dr. Mike M.
My name is Jack. I recently took my mother to see Dr Zayed because she had not been feeling well for over a year and none of her Doctors could figure out was was wrong with her. At one Point her Primary physician told her “I think it’s all in your mind” and was planning to refer her to a Psychologist.
My mother had been suffering from severe fatigue, weight gain, hot flashes, anxiety and insomnia. On her first evaluation, Dr Zayed gave her hope and assured her that she was not “going crazy”. With a comprehensive evaluation he was able to figure out what was wrong with her and within a few weeks of treatment my mother’s symptoms had improved and she continues to feel much better.
Thank you Dr Zayed for giving my mother quality of life again!
Dear Dr. Zayed,
Since I started with our treatment plan, I feel much better. The main difference is improved focus and concentration. I am back to work as a scientist now.
Thank you – Heide M. K.Living each day with a healthy lifestyle is very important to me and Dr. Zayed has helped me to do this by treating my hormone imbalances, thyroid, cholesterol and overall health through the use of supplements and compound formulas that are more effective and much healthier alternatives than those prescribed by a traditional medical doctor. He is a compassionate and caring doctor that really cares about the welfare of his patients, which is very much appreciated.
Where do I begin? I suffered a detrimental reaction to an antibiotic that was prescribed after discovering I had a UTI. Since then I started feeling paresthesia in my back, was hallucinating and having muscle and tendons pain and in general constantly feeling weak. I went to several Doctors and never found the solution or comfort I was seeking. After reading a ton of articles on how the medication had affected others I knew I had to make changes and see a Doctor in order to stabilize my health. When I came to Dr. Zayed, I was in pain, swollen and couldn’t sleep much and had a lot of brain fog. After being treated by him I slowly started gaining back my health.
The way he explains things in detail and takes his time to make sure I understand is very important to me. The supplements he recommended have eased some of my swelling and has helped me sleep better. When I come to see Dr. Zayed I feel as he is treating me as a whole and not just what I am complaining about. He asks details about my diet, health, eating and sleeping habits. He deals with his patients throughly. He is one of the best Doctors I have ever been treated by and I highly recommend him.Rosa J.I am a 37 year old mother of three that was running on empty! I am a fit, healthy woman with a loving and supportive family. I couldn’t understand what was going on with me. I had gone to my doctor explaining that I was tired, irritable and extremely anxious. After performing some routine medical exams, she couldn’t “medically” find anything wrong with me that would cause what I was feeling. The only option she could give me was to try and alleviate my symptoms was anti anxiety meds. I was not ready to go down that road. And that is when Dr. Zayed came into the picture!Dr. Zayed is a friend and colleague of my Dr. and suggested I go see him. After our initial consultation, I already felt confident that Dr. Zayed would get to the bottom of what was causing my symptoms. He wanted to know everything about me and my lifestyle. He was asking all the right questions and as I was answering them felt so comfortable with his approach.After a series of very detailed blood work and urinalysis, Dr. Zayed found what “internally” was causing all the symptoms I was feeling. A few lifestyle changes and some supplements/vitamins later, I am a new woman!Dr. Zayed doesn’t just want to treat your symptoms, he gets to the bottom of what is causing them. I’ve been dealing with the issue for almost 10 years and went to a few other doctors who offered no help. I am so grateful for Dr. Zayed, his approach and now his friendship!ChristinaMy name is Hayssam. Before contacting Dr. Zayed 8 months ago, I used to feel tired and exhausted all the time.
Dr Zayed ordered blood work & found a lot of parameters out of range and I was not comfortable to use medicines… I noticed that Dr. Zayed is very experienced in such cases and treat with Vitamins & supplements all hormone free. I started following his recommendations 6 months ago. I started recently feeling much better and lately made a recent blood test and found that all parameters have been adjusted and within normal range & I feel now very healthy and active.
Thank you, Dr. Zayed.
HEK CEO, Import / Export Chemical Company – The Middle East
I was an athlete all my life and had suffered many injuries including herniated discs in my lower back and two knee surgeries. My sport of choice was basketball, and I never attempted any endurance sports until few years ago when I started talking to Dr. Zayed about my nutrition. After careful analysis of my blood results Dr. Zayed was able to create a balanced and easy to use nutrition plan and since then I have completed two NYC marathons under 4 hours, two half distance IronMan triathlons under 7 hours and one Olympic triathlon. I never got injured from countless hours of training despite my history of injuries. Dr. Zayed followed my progress closely, made adjustment when needed, and was always accessible. I am planning my next big race already with Dr. Zayed, full distance IronMan.
Vedad O.
I am a patient of Dr. Zayed and he simply saved my life through the methods of anti-aging natural medicine and rejuvenation. I suffered a deep depression early this year for a three month period. Most doctors told me that the path to recovery takes 6 months to years through conventional medicine and perhaps may never recover fully. My life was in ruins and I was psychically paralyzed due to this depression. My parents and physicians had told me that psychology and medicine would be the only way to start a recovery and I may never be the same again. When I was first diagnosed with depression, I had was taking anti-depressants for one week and met once with a psychologist. However, I knew deep down that I needed a second opinion of which I decided to get a second opinion from one of the top anti-aging specialists in South Florida. Thankfully, I met with Dr. Zayed who advised me to address the depression in a natural form that would help in the short and long run. I had always believed that natural medicine and healing was always the better the path instead of taking a more conventional route for health reasons. He prescribed a natural supplement that allowed me to feel more relaxed in the evening and sleep better. His treatment was amazing and he is such an unbelievable person and doctor in every aspect. More importantly, he is honest and really offers great advise. Within two weeks I was already feeling better and he provided me with the best service all along the way as he really cared about my progress and was constantly following up. Gratefully, after one month I had fully come out of this depression and changed my mindset to positive and feel 100 %! This was an amazing story. No doctor gives you this level of service in care that I have experienced in my life. Anti-aging is the wave of the future and will improve anyone's well being physically and naturally. When it comes to anti-aging and rejuvenation , I strongly recommend Dr. Zayed as the best doctor in South Florida, if not the world! I am so grateful to have Dr. Zayed in my life and I strongly recommend anyone to schedule a consultation and begin treatments regardless of your condition.Peter G. Traditional Medicine Is Dying
Did you know that the average doctor visit is only 7 minutes long? Combined with pressure from pharmaceutical companies to administer 'a pill for every ill', traditional medicine has become (an) not and incomplete solution
Some of my colleagues at the medical non-profit organization A4M have produced an enlightening video about this problem. It shows us a better way via a new way of thinking.
It's this new way of thinking upon which my practice was founded. Please have a look.

9am – 5pm
12pm – 3pm